
30th Anniversary Ceremony

  • Date & Time:
    • December 16 - 17, 2022
    • 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • Venue:
    • Anglican Church event center, Magiyagbe, Ipaja Lagos
  • Contact details:

Ferscoat comprehensive academy celebrates its 30th Year of Excellence Inspired by the Grace of God and Faithfulness

Parents, students, alumni, staff, and community members are invited to attend this ceremony, to celebrate this beautiful and fantastic accomplishment by FERSCOAT Int’l School, A celebration of excellence and god,s grace and faithfulness. All schools and district offices are closed for the 30th anniversary Ceremony. Year-round schools resume school. Open to the public.


The multi-group recital included jolly renditions from the Lower School and Middle School choirs, the Gong Gang, Marimbas, Ukestra, and the Jazz Couriers. Our wonderful Lower School students were recently visited by three charity representatives. As part of the 30th anniversary ceremony, each year’s group decided on a different fundraising method, organizing activities from discos and games, to face painting and volunteering.


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2022-12-16 7:00 am 2022-12-17 9:00 pm Pacific/Midway 30th Anniversary Ceremony The school management would like to invite you to the coming 30th anniversary ceremony Anglican Church event center, Magiyagbe, Ipaja Lagos
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